Certified Knowledge

Certificates affirm your expert knowledge. They document qualifications as well as knowhow and improve prospects of promotion. 

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is long-standing certification partner of LinuxTag. Visitors to LinuxTag can take LPI examinations in Berlin on highly concessional terms.


LPI "beta" exams LPI-201, LPI-202 and LPI-300

The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) will perform the "beta" examinations for the new version of exams LPI-201 and LPI-202 and for the new exam LPI-300 during LinuxTag 2013 on Thursday, May 23rd. Participation is open to all LPIC-alumnis who would like to support the exam-development. Beta-exams are free of charge and have a duration of up to 180 minutes.

The "beta"-exams take place on Thursday, May 23rd from von 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm in room "Regensburg", hall 4.1 at Messe Berlin. Successful "beta"-exams for LPIC-2 or LPIC-3 count as regular, official exams. The result of "beta"-exams can be removed from the LPI-database if you prefer so. All visitors or LinuxTag may participate, but preference is given to LPI-alumni who already own a LPIC-2 or LPIC-3 certification. Everybody interested in "beta"-exams who would like to participate shortly before the exam should show up 15 minutes before start of the exam at room Regensburg, hall 4.1.

Press-announcement of LPI regarding the "beta"-exams:

For further information about the essential modifications please check out:



Linux Professional Institute (LPI) will offer this year again all its available examinations at LinuxTag 2013 in Berlin: 

Following you will find the examinations including the language version and the paticipation fee for LinuxTag 2013:

LPI Linux Essentials - German and English - 50 EUR for each examination

LPIC-1 and LPIC-2 (101, 102, 201, 202) - German and in English - 90 EUR for each examination

LPI-301 - English- 150 EUR for each examination

LPI-302, LPI-303 and LPI-304 - English - 90 EUR for each examination

Univention Certified Professional Examination (LPI 198) - English - 85 EUR for each examination


The examinations will take place on Wednesday, May 22nd, Friday, May 24th at 10:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, May 25th at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

The examination room will be marked. Meeting point for all participations will be 15 minutes before the examination starts in the examination room (Room Regensburg, Hall 4.1) .

Terms of payment, registration and preparation

All participation charges have to be paid cash in run-up to the examination. Participants have to show a valid photo ID and a valid LPI Identification Number before examination starts. You can apply for the LPI Identification Number online on: https://cs.lpi.org/caf/Xamman/register.

Due to the fact that the places for the LPI examinations are limited, it is strongly recommended to register in advance. Register soon at http://lpievent.lpice.eu.

Please study the examination content accurately before you take the examination. The content of the exams is published on the website of LPI: http://www.lpice.eu/de/lpi-zertifizierungsinhalte.html

Reminder: To become LPI level 1 Certified (LPIC-1) you need to pass the examinations LPI-101 and LPI-102. For the second level (LPIC-2) you need the examinations LPI-201 and LPI-202. Therefore passing one single examination does not mean to achieve a certification. In LPIC-3 is the first examination LPI-301 an obligation. The following LPIC-3 examinations (LPIC-302 etc.) are optional.

If you have more questions concerning the examination offers please do not hesitate to contact directly LPI Central Europe via e-mail: info@lpice.eu. For further information please visit the website of LPI Central Europe and LPI Worldwide: http://www.lpice.eu/de/home.html and http://www.lpi.org/

Raspberry Pi Workshop und Verlosung am Informationsstand

Mitarbeiter des LPI e.V. werden am LPI Infostand praktisch zeigen, wie man am Raspberry Pi Computer (http://www.raspberrypi.org) einfache Hardwareerweiterungen durchführen kann und wie man einen Raspberry Pi, auch kurz "RPI" genannt, mit Skripts steuern kann. Außerdem wird täglich eine thematisch passende Verlosung am LPI Infostand, Halle 7.1c, Stand 153, durchgeführt. Mit der Aktion "RPI Workshop powered by LPI" sollen alle Besucher des LinuxTags in Berlin angesprochen werden, die sich für den RPI und den Einstieg in das Thema Shellscripting interessieren. Damit bietet das LPI eine Aktivität im Bereich Schulung und Experimentieren an, für den der preisgünstige RPI, der standardmäßig unter Linux Betriebssystemen läuft, ursprünglich entworfen wurde. Der Workshop am LPI Infostand findet zu den folgenden Zeiten statt:


- Mittwoch, 22.05., von 16:30 bis 18:00 Uhr

- Donnerstag, 23.05., 14:30 bis 18:00 Uhr

- Freitag, 24.05., 16:30 bis 18:00 Uhr

- Samstag, 25.05., 14:30 bis 17:00 Uhr


Das LPI macht mit dieser Aktion unter Leitung des LPI e.V. (http://www.lpi-german.de) auch auf das 10-jährige Bestehen des Vereins und das langjährige Bestehen des LinuxTags aufmerksam. Die Gründungsversammlung des LPI e.V. fand beim LinuxTag im Jahr 2003 statt.


Subjects Matter Experts Meeting


Zu den weiteren Aktivitäten des LPI beim diesjährigen LinuxTag gehört auch ein „Subjects Matter Experts Meeting“ am Samstag, den 25. Mai von 11:45 bis 12:45 im LPI Prüfungsraum „Regensburg“, Halle 4.1. Alle Besucher des LinuxTags können an diesem Meeting teilnehmen. Auf der Agenda steht die aktuelle  Revision der Prüfungen LPI-201 und LPI-202 für die LPIC-2 Zertifizierung und die Entwicklung der neuen Prüfung LPI-300.