Highly Available OpenStack done right 
by Fabio M. Di Nitto (Red Hat, Inc.)
Freitag, 09.05.2014, Stage D, 10:45-11:30 Uhr
Track: OpenStack DACH Day 2014
Installing and deploying OpenStack in a fully High Available envinroment is (still) far from being a trivial task.
The session will guide the audience through the processes and problematics in designing and deploying such complex environment, where often there is no "out-of-the-box solution" that can fit all demands.
While the generic process thinking applies virtually to any OpenStack distributions, focus will be given around some key design decisions and technologies used in Red Hat OpenStack / Red Hat High Availability / Red Hat Load Balancer / Red Hat Storage integrated deployments.
Highlights of the current status and integration roadmap with automatic deployment/management tools will be presented.
About the author Fabio M. Di Nitto:
Italian, married, father of 2 kids, Fabio is a Linux veteran with over 17 years of experience with Linux and 10 years in High Availability.
Fabio´s experience range from sysadmin/netadmin to QA, development, distribution packaging (Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora/Red Hat), design and integration.