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OpenStack DACH Day 2014
OpenStack has been revolutionizing the F/OSS cloud computing scene for more than two years now, and there is no doubt that it’s here to stay. If you want to learn more about OpenStack, OpenStack DACH Day 2014 is for you: It will give users, developers and people generally interested in OpenStack the opportunity to listen to interesting presentations and to meet and discuss. The event will feature talks for novices and experienced OpenStack professionals, including * presentations on the brand-new OpenStack Icehouse version, currently scheduled for release three weeks before OpenStack DACH Day 2014; * concrete examples of how to use OpenStack in production environments; * talks on OpenStack-related technologies such as the Ceph and GlusterFS storage stacks or SDN solutions (like VMWare NSX and Midonet). A list of tools and projects might include but is not limited to: OpenStack, Ceph, GlusterFS, OpenFlow, Midonet, Puppet, Chef, Crowbar, Packstack, Kickstack, Razor, Foreman, Nagios, Icinga
Time | Friday, 09.05.2014 - Stage D |
10:00 |
An Introduction to OpenStack
Martin Gerhard Loschwitz (hastexo Professional Services GmbH) |
10:30 | |
Highly Available OpenStack done right
Fabio M. Di Nitto (Red Hat, Inc.) |
11:00 | |
11:30 | |
12:00 |
Keynote on Stage 11: The Linux kernel, how it is developed, and how we stay sane doing it
Greg Kroah- Hartman (Linux Foundation) |
12:30 | |
13:00 |
Lunch break in exhibition halls 4 and 6 (included for LinuxTag badge holder)
13:30 | |
14:00 |
How Linux kernel enables overlay networks for virtualized environments
Giuseppe de Candia (Midokura) |
14:30 |
Software- Defined Networking for OpenStack using Open Source Plugins and VMware NSX
Yves Fauser (VMware) |
15:00 |
Expanding the universe without a Big Bang
Tim Bell (CERN) |
15:30 |
Coffee break in exhibition halls 4 and 6 (included for LinuxTag badge holder)
16:00 |
Bare Metal provisioning in OpenStack
Devananda van der Veen (HP) |
16:30 |
HyperV in OpenStack
Bernhard Wiedemann (SUSE LINUX Products GmbH) |
17:00 |
Docker: Not even a Hypervisor (Containers for OpenStack)
Erkan Yanar (Freiberufler) |
17:30 |
Clustered Storage for Cloud Computing
Robert Sander (Heinlein Support GmbH) |