Clonezilla Workshop 
by Steven Shiau (NCHC), Yu-Chin Tsai (NCHC), Ceasar Sun (NCHC)
Friday, 09.05.2014, Stage B, 20:30-21:15 Uhr
Track: Project-Talks on Friday
Clonezilla is free software for system deployment or recovery. It is similar to Symantec Ghost or Acronis True Image. The file systems supported by Clonezilla are: (1) ext2, ext3, ext4, reiserfs, reiser4, xfs, jfs of GNU/Linux (2) FAT, NTFS of MS Windows (3) HFS+ of Mac OS (4) UFS2 of BSD (5) VMFS3 and VMFS5 of VMware ESX (6) Minix of Minix Therefore you can image or clone GNU/Linux, MS windows, Intel-based Mac OS, FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD, VMware ESX and Minix. LVM2 and hardware RAID device is supported, too. Two types of Clonezilla are available, Clonezilla live and Clonezilla SE (Server Edition). Clonezilla live is suitable for single machine backup and restore. While Clonezilla SE is for massive deployment, it can restore many computers simultaneously. Clonezilla is not only for a newbie system administrator, but also for a veteran. This 90-minute workshop will cover some of the following topics: (1) What has changed in Clonezilla since last year? (2) How to create a super-easy, customized mode for your users? (3) How can Clonezilla help an administrator to make his life easier? Including: - Unattended recovery CD or USB flash drive - Unattended recovery with a file server (Samba server, ssh server, or NFS server) - Things you should know when doing P2V migration - Massively deployment with Clonezilla SE
About the author Steven Shiau:
Steven Shiau is a researcher at the NCHC (National Center for High-performance Computing), Taiwan. While there he wrote parallel and distributed program to simulate plasma. This program formed the basic idea for the future development of the free software DRBL (Diskless Remote Boot in Linux), a rapid deployment software for distributed PC cluster and education environment. With Kuo-Lien Huang, Ceasar Sun, Jazz Wang and Thomas Tsai, he developed another free software "Clonezilla", an open source cloning and imaging system. He is the project leader of the file system imaging tool “Partclone”, and the maintainer of GParted live. He has given more than 70 lessons about DRBL and Clonezilla in Taiwan from 2002, and 7 talks in Libre Software Meeting in France since 2006, one talk in LCA 2010, and one talk in Opensource Bridge 2011, and one talk in Linux Tag 2012. The project DRBL won first place in 'Public Sector Applications' category at the Free Software Contest in France in 2007. He is the division leader of software development technology division at NCHC now, the Chair of the Board of Directors, SLAT (Software Liberty Association of Taiwan) from 2011, and spends most of his time in the development of DRBL, Clonezilla and promoting the use of free software and high-performance computing.
About the author Yu-Chin Tsai:
Thomas Tsai is a free software developer and assistand researcher, works on NCHC(Home::National Center for High-Performance Computing).
DRBL – Diskless Remote Boot in Linux
Clonezilla – A free software disaster recovery, disk cloning and deployment solution.
Partclone – Tool to make partition as image with GPL license.
Tuxboot – The advanced clonezilla_live usb creator modify from Unetbootin
Cloudboot – Cloudboot is a service that allows a PC to boot from cloud resources.
KOHA – An open source library system.
About the author Ceasar Sun:
Chen-kai (Ceasar) Sun
* Associate Researcher, National Center for High-Performance Computing (NCHC)
* Cluster Computing and Grid Computing
* Linux Operation System, Open Source Software
* Projects involved : DRBL, Clonezilla, DRBL-winroll, Tux2live